As a claims manager, you want to be alerted before a CAT as early and as accurately as possible to adapt your organization to fulfill customer satisfaction at this sensitive moment
As a risk manager, you want to be alerted before a CAT as early and as accurately as possible in order to guarantee the continuity of the activity
As an actuary, you want to have as soon as possible accurate data on an CAT in order to be able to provide a fast and precise modeling
As a claims handler, I want to offer to my customer during a FNOL an accurate and personalized solution, to enhance his satisfaction while controlling our expenses
As a client who has suffered a damage, I want to immediately get a solution that fixes my problem (a contractor comes, I am re-equipped or I receive a transfer)
As an insurance agent, I want to stand with my customer who has suffered a damage to find the solution that suits him best, in order to increase his satisfaction while controlling our expenses
9-11 rue Georges Enesco
94008 Créteil Cedex
Phone : +33 (0)1 49 56 84 35
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